Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Election Fatigue

Yay for striking blows against baby-killing, jug-eared freaks!

In short….I voted this morning. And, yes, I voted for McCain/Palin. *sticks tongue out at Obama supporters*

Rodney: Yeah, that shows them supporters of McCain are REAL mature. Way to go.

Shut up. And go away. There’s like……maybe ten or twelve people reading this blog who even know who you are. Shoo.

Alright, I apologize for the sticking my tongue out part. Although I don’t apologize for the opening sentence.

Fear not, oh those few of my friends who are Obama supporters. This is not an anti-Obama rant. It’s not even a pro-McCain rant, actually. Just a general one.

I was greatly relieved last night after watching the monologue for the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. Why, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. Because this man is the person I have seen get most excited about the election and the whole voting process and everything. It’s the first time he can vote and he’s relishing every minute of it. And I’ll be honest with you. It kind of fired me up about it, too. But lately I’ve been like…..meh. This made me feel guilty.

But last night, Craig’s ‘Election Fever’ had apparently turned into ‘Election Fatigue’. And I totally understand how he feels. Because it seems like this whole thing has been going on longer than….well, longer than this country has existed, to be blunt. And the candidates are everywhere. I can’t even check my inbox without some ad asking me if I think Palin’s qualified to be VP or if I’m going to vote for Obama or if I think McCain was hot when he was young. (FYI….yes, I do think McCain was hot when he was young. See picture at the beginning of this post).

It just seems to me that this entire election has been a lot dirtier than any other election I can remember. First it’s Hilary vs. Obama. And…um….that other guy vs. McCain. I can’t remember his name right now, because I was kinda pulling for Huckabee. But whatever. Then it’s down to the nitty-gritty. McCain vs. Obama. Palin vs. Biden. Batman vs. Joker. Coke vs. Pepsi……wait. Where was I?

Oh, yeah. The nitty-gritty. Now, I understand that the candidates have to get out there and stuff. Of course they do. That’s only natural. It’s politics. Duh. But seriously? Does everyone have to be all up in our faces? Thanks, non-biased media (*giggles madly*), for shoving all these people down my throats 24/7. I just want all this to be over with. The process of electing our leader may be part of what makes this nation so great. But the constant scrutiny of aforementioned candidates….waiting for one of them to screw up….pouncing on every little thing they say or do….asking about their love life with their spouse (thanks for that development, Clinton administration)….doesn’t this cheapen the whole thing?

I mean, these are the things one does with celebrities. Brangelina, Britney, Paris Hilton. A woman who Frenched her brother, a cheating husband, a girl who once had difficulty remembering to put on some underwear before leaving the house, and a spoiled brat heiress whose vocabulary seems to revolve around the two words ‘That’s hot’.

Yes, American media. I want you to treat the candidates for the highest political office in the country just EXACTLY like you treat these people. *rolls eyes* Oy.

I don’t really feel so guilty for being tired of the election now. Because I’ve realized that it’s crossed the line of normal coverage and information long ago. It has, in fact, crossed the line, shot the line at point blank range with a 9 mm, stabbed the line with Crocodile Dundee’s knife, torn the line’s guts from it’s body and danced around on the line’s remains.

It’s ridiculous. And what’s even more ridiculous is that, until the last couple of weeks, no one was really asking the important questions. Questions that, you know, actually have to do with issues the President of the United States might face.

I guess this is a media rant. Finally. I’ve discovered the purpose of this post. What really gets me is that it’s the actual news people that are doing stuff like this. It’s not like this behavior is limited to people from TMZ and Access Hollywood, etc. These are respected news anchors, beating us over the head with every little move Obama, McCain, and Palin make. Haven’t heard too much about Biden. Truthfully, I have trouble even remembering him sometimes. I’m sure he’s a very nice man. But no one ever reports on him, really.

I made up my mind during the week of the RNC. But I know there are people out there who are still undecided. Frankly, I agree with Craig on this. This far along in the election…..two weeks away from election day and you STILL don’t know who you’re going to vote for? Just don’t vote. You’re just way too indecisive. I’m not at all sure there’s a detail that hasn’t been covered regarding these people. There’s no excuse.

For me, it’s cut and dry. McCain seems like a great man. I’d be honored to know someone like him. I don’t know every detail of, say, his economic plan. Or his plan for Iraq. Because, as I’ve said before, I’ve really almost started ignoring any election news I can. Aside from some e-mails I get. But I do know that, morally, we’re pretty much on the same page. And I also know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I could never, NEVER vote for someone who is Pro-Choice. And Obama is not only pro-choice. But he voted against the Illinois Born-Alive Infant Protection Act. Basically, if an aborted baby somehow survived the process, the act required that a doctor do everything in his/her power to provide that baby with medical care. To not do so is murder. Even by pro-choice standards. The baby is out of the womb. It’s breathing oxygen. It’s a person. And yet Obama voted against this act.

That’s sadistic in my book. And this post is taking a turn I promised it wouldn’t take. So I’ll stop there for now and finish up with this.

I voted this morning! Go me!


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