Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hello Again!

I've really got to get in the habit of updating this thing on at least a weekly basis.
Last night, I got to talk to my best friend. And I'm still not sure which was the more enjoyable part. Actually talking to her or listening as she fussed around with her baby, being all motherly. I love my best friend. I miss her.
But she's coming for a visit soon!!! Hooray for my best friend's husband and his family reunions. I heart his family right now. I have to plan an outing for us. And I need to make contingency plans in case we can't go out alone. I'm guessing alone won't be an option. Not that I mind. I adore her kids and I can't wait to see the new baby. Even if she isn't so 'new' anymore.
I'm still working on chapters of 'Adventures of the Fanfiction Fellowship'. Over halfway done with the rewrite, so I'm feeling somewhat accomplished in that area. Then we have the sequel to rewrite....yes, and finish.
A couple of videos in the works. Still Star Wars because I'm too lazy to search for other downloadable movies/tv shows. I think I have the capability to get content from actual dvds...but I'm not sure that's what the DivX bundle on my computer is for. I hate being ignorant.
My life is mundane. That's all that I have going on right now. Except that my husband wants to kill my cat. But that's par for the course, really.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Huh. It's been a while. Let's see....what's been happening? Well, my pick for the election didn't win, but there are people who have it far worse than that so we won't linger.

My baby brother has a girlfriend. She's a Junior in high school. Oh, and for those of you who aren't familiar with my brother, he's a FRESHMAN!! He should still be playing with Legos and stuff, not going out with a girl two years older than him.


Anyway, they went to prom this weekend. Along with my sister (who's also a Junior) and three other girls (all Juniors). Oddly enough, my brother did not see the reputational advantages of arriving at prom as the only guy with five older women. *shrugs* Oh, well.

They all looked beautiful, my brother looked very handsome, and it reminded me so much of my own prom. I'm glad my sister went with her friends. I think they all had more fun in a group than anyone did as a couple.

In closer to home news, I've been 'vidding'. I've done three Star Wars vids and have two in the works. Well...three if you count the one I'm plotting out and haven't actually started yet. Once I get those done, I think I'll take a small break and try to do a Gilmore Girls video. Just to switch things up a bit.

Summer's coming. And it will be fairly slow at work until August. I'd REALLY love to make the trip to DragonCon in Atlanta again, but I just don't think it's a possibility. Which makes me sad, because my friends Cath and Deb will be there. Stupid money. I think we should just all go back to the bartering system. Of course....that wouldn't be much better for me anyway. Stick with the devil you know, I guess.

And.....I guess that's it. My life's not very exciting. But it is mine. So it's all good.